【ダンス動画】Quick Crew – Winter Concept by Hit N Run (Inspired by 一青窈 もらい泣き)


今回ご紹介したい動画は、双子の Suleman Malik (スールマン・マリク)・Bilal Malik(ビラル・マリク)・Nasir Sirikhan(ナセル・シリカーン)の3人のダンサーで、2006年に結成されたオスロ(ノルウェー)のヒップホップダンスチーム

2009年にノルウェーのオーディション番組(ノルウェーズ・ゴット・タレント)にて優勝し世界中で活躍する彼らの今回ご紹介したい動画は517224回再生されている「Quick Crew – Winter Concept by Hit N Run (Inspired by 一青窈 もらい泣き)」だ!



Hello everyone! We have made this video to wish all of you Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! We also want to thank all of our friends, fellow dancers, partners and most of all YOU, our viewers, likers and subsribers, for all your support so far. All your views, likes (and dislikes) and comments mean a lot to us and will make us work harder and make better choreographies and videos in 2011. This is just the beginning!

About this video:
We have put a lot of effort in making this video as it was shot in -18C, and Kim (our B-boy) was injured on the ice during the shoot, why we had to change concept and redo the choreography on the set. Music is also specially produced and mixed for this choreography by Hit N Run and is inspired by 一青窈 もらい泣き . Hope you will enjoy and spread it 🙂

Choreography: Quick
Dancers: Bilal Malik, Suleman Malik, Nasir Sirikhan
Music: Christmas Concept by Hit N Run (Inspired by 一青窈 もらい泣き)

For more info please visit our website www.quickstyle.no, or contact our manager at Sony Music:

E-mail: Booking@thequickstyle.com

Don´t forget to subscribe to our channel and visit our facebook page: www.facebook.com/TheQuickStyle
Quick Choreography
