

世界のイケてるダンス動画を紹介するキュレーションメディア「ダンスファンクラブ」が今回ご紹介したい動画は、Black Eyed Peas、Jason Derulo、Zendaya、5th Harmony、Demi Lovato、GLEE、X-Factor、Nissan、MTV、Butterfinger、Madonna等の振付を担当し、ヒップホップダンス界で有名なWilldaBeast Adams(ウィル・ウィルダビースト・アダムス)のダンス動画!

10750回再生されている「STREAMING #BEAUTYndaBEASTwedding FREE」だ!



FREEEEE !!!! THAT’S RIGHT !!!! #FREE YOU CAN WATCH US CELEBRATE at the #beautyndabeastwedding by following us @beastnetwork #

WE WERE GONNA SPEND MORE $$ we don’t have lol …. to do this on a private site ( which we would’ve had to charge all the people who signed up around the world A TINY FEE )
BUT WE SAID WHAT THE HECK let’s do it on our own NETWORK #theBEASTnetwork IG for free !



1) GO FOLLOW @beastnetwork NOW for your spot !!!! Now @beastnetwork #2) TUNE IN 9/2 at 5:20 pt

3) TAG US IN YOUR PICS with #beautyndabeastwedding while watching

4) We have a honey fund (LINK IN BIO ) for our friends and family around the world …to help us achieve our dream backyard. ( no shame ) we work our bootys off , and if you feel inclined to help us with $00.75 we won’t be upset

ESPECIALLY BECAUSE NOW ….there’s no CHARGE to watch our wedding ( it was only gonna be 5 bucks any way ) and WE ARE STREAMING for the millions of you supporting everything #immabeast #beautyndabeast #bnbchoreo for 8 years !! ——
PEACE OUT see you at the WEDDING … hosted by @beastnetwork @niconievesmusic —— #
@immabeastco @dancespiritmagazine @theknot @blackfitnesstoday @sawsemag

出典:WilldaBeast Adams