
【ダンス動画】WOW! The BABE 2020 ALMOST HERE!

世界のイケてるダンス動画を紹介するキュレーションメディア「ダンスファンクラブ」が今回ご紹介したい動画は、Black Eyed Peas、Jason Derulo、Zendaya、5th Harmony、Demi Lovato、GLEE、X-Factor、Nissan、MTV、Butterfinger、Madonna等の振付を担当し、ヒップホップダンス界で有名なWilldaBeast Adams(ウィル・ウィルダビースト・アダムス)のダンス動画!

4682回再生されている「WOW! The BABE 2020 ALMOST HERE!」だ!



The Babe 2020 in Los Angeles is only a couple months away!!
June 25-28th we will reunite for our unforgettable four-day journey that has changed lives and launched some of the biggest careers in dance!

All levels of dancers are welcome to join us and learn from the some of the top Choreographers & Industry Leaders.

INCLUDED at the BABE20 Experience:

*Over 10 Dance Masterclasses
*Industry Seminars
*Dance Battles
*Meet & Greets
*Audition for immaBEAST Co (On the final day, *optional*)


The BREATHE Experience (*Optional)

The Breathe Experience is carefully curated by MaryAnn Chavez to ensure that the dancers have a safe environment to grow as an artist and an athlete. The dancers will be introduced to many different forms of an instructor and walk away from this with a different outlook on contemporary dance. Classes will focus on technique, artistry, athleticism, improv and settling into what makes you YOU. Nobody is you, and that is your super power. BREATHE into this experience and you are guaranteed to walk away from this a stronger you. 

The PARENT Experience (*Optional)

The Parent Experience is a unique set of seminars, classes and events created especially for the Parents and observers at the event!  The goal of The Parent Experience is to create a support system, an informative guide, and to motivate and create visibility for parents/guardians during the BABE20 event! Our objective is to create a safe space for sharing information, connecting parents, and building a network of support that will last beyond the event itself, but throughout your entire journey. Our vision is to merge different cultures and experiences to create a Global Parent Network designed to connect across various levels and styles in the Entertainment Industry. This experience includes Financial workshop, Agency Q&A, Industry Parent Panel Discussion, Parent Dance Class, Yoga & Fitness Class, Meditation session, Doctors for Dancers Workshop, Special Guest Speaker, Parent Performance Opportunity and  Dancer’s Alliance workshop.

出典:WilldaBeast Adams