
【ダンス動画】Howl for saxophone improvisation and electronics – Soundscape by Eric Guinivan


今回ご紹介したい動画は、父が日本にブレイクダンスに一大ブームの先駆けを作ったTonyGOGOの血を継ぐ福岡出身の兄弟ダンサーGO GO BROTHERS!

ロッキングとポップダンスを強みにK B-Boy ChampionshipsのLOCKING部門で優勝し、ロックダンス界の頂点に立ち世界で活躍する日本人ダンサー兄弟だ!

そんな実力派の世界で活躍している彼らのダンス動画は95732回再生されている「Howl for saxophone improvisation and electronics – Soundscape by Eric Guinivan」だ!



Howl is a composition collaboratively created by JMU professors Eric Guinivan and David Pope. Eric used granular synthesis to manipulate recorded sounds of David’s tenor saxophone to create a kind of “dreamscape.” The resulting recording can be used as a vehicle for improvisatory interaction on any instrument. This was the premiere performance at JMU’s Forbes Center Recital Hall, September 29, 2021.

More information about the piece and a score video is available on Eric’s website:
While originally written for saxophone solo improvisation, the piece can be performed by any instrument, and sheet music is available in different transpositions. Please contact Eric if you’re interested in performing the piece.

出典:David Pope