世界のイケてるダンス動画を紹介するキュレーションメディア「ダンスファンクラブ」が今回ご紹介したい動画は、Black Eyed Peas、Jason Derulo、Zendaya、5th Harmony、Demi Lovato、GLEE、X-Factor、Nissan、MTV、Butterfinger、Madonna等の振付を担当し、ヒップホップダンス界で有名なWilldaBeast Adams(ウィル・ウィルダビースト・アダムス)のダンス動画!
104870回再生されている「MICHAEL JACKSON | MAN in the MIRROR | JOSH BEAUCHAMP Choreography | #immabeast」だ!
When I BELIEVE in someone I put my all into helping them reach their fullest potential . As well as extending their reach anyway I can .
@joshbeauchamp I LOVE YOU , respect you , and your talent … as well as your heart .@joshbeauchamp
@austineguia“This piece is special . YOU AND YOUR CHOREOGRAPHY are on another level.” – Will
#MANinTHEmirror #JOSHbeauchamp choreo #immabeastdancers
#beastnetwork出典:WilldaBeast Adams