
【ダンス動画】Quickstyle x Sinostage Opening Ceremony – Koharu Sugawara (Live performance)

世界のイケてるダンス動画を紹介するキュレーションメディア「ダンスファンクラブ」が今回ご紹介したい動画は、10代の時に「DANCE ATTACK」「SHONEN CHAMPLE」などの様々なコンテストで優勝し、2010年にロサンゼルス渡米し独自のダンススタイルを確立する。現在では国内外で高い評価を得て世界で活躍している日本人ダンサーKoharu Sugawara(菅原 小春)

今回そんな注目を集めている彼女のご紹介したい動画は197544回再生されている「Quickstyle x Sinostage Opening Ceremony – Koharu Sugawara (Live performance)」だ!



Quickstyle x Sinostage Opening Ceremony – Koharu Sugawara (Live performance)

Performed by
Dancers: Koharu Sugawara, Jian Shan (Shika) , Kurumi Shina
Violin: Matsuri Mikuni

This is the official opening of the new Quickstyle Studio in Chengdu, China. Together with Sinostage who already is a well established dance studio in Chengdu they decided to open up a space for people to express art. The new studio has its own café and a workspace and even their own music recording studio together with 4 different dance studios. It is placed on the 4th floor inside of Yanlord Mall which is in the very sentrum og Chengdu.

This opening ceremony represents the variety art that we desire to create in our new studio with live performances from amazing artists such as Hifana (amazing music dj/vj duo from Japan), Koharu Sugawara (Artist/Dancer and performer from Japan), Toby Deedara (Dancer and performer from Norway) and the Sinostage Team (The dance group that represents Sinostage)
