
【ダンス動画】@alessiacara – Compilation – @Willdabeast Choreography #SoloSeries

世界のイケてるダンス動画を紹介するキュレーションメディア「ダンスファンクラブ」が今回ご紹介したい動画は、Black Eyed Peas、Jason Derulo、Zendaya、5th Harmony、Demi Lovato、GLEE、X-Factor、Nissan、MTV、Butterfinger、Madonna等の振付を担当し、ヒップホップダンス界で有名なWilldaBeast Adams(ウィル・ウィルダビースト・アダムス)のダンス動画!

61061回再生されている「@alessiacara – Compilation – @Willdabeast Choreography #SoloSeries」だ!



Be sure to check out new Tutorials now on The Beast Network!

1) Kaycee Rice
2) Juliette Martinez
3) Lexee Smith
4) Joya Jackson
5) Tati Mcquay

I took these 5 awesome Immabeast young ladies and worked with them 1 on 1 for an hour. In these sessions they were forced to get the combo quick , start performing it right away , and to make some their own choices that made the dance them.
Training in intimate settings with my team is so special . Love you guys and I love Alessia Cara !!!!!!

Assisted by Sienna Lalau and filmed by Chris Beatrock

出典:WilldaBeast Adams