世界のイケてるダンス動画を紹介するキュレーションメディア「ダンスファンクラブ」が今回ご紹介したい動画は、Black Eyed Peas、Jason Derulo、Zendaya、5th Harmony、Demi Lovato、GLEE、X-Factor、Nissan、MTV、Butterfinger、Madonna等の振付を担当し、ヒップホップダンス界で有名なWilldaBeast Adams(ウィル・ウィルダビースト・アダムス)のダンス動画!
260296回再生されている「Happy B day 12/16 from immaBEAST」だ!
Last voicemail from my Step MoM who was never really a “Step Mom”. There were so many things that I wanted to talk to her about that I never got to. But, today I say Happy Birthday Sylvia Adams 🙂 if you can hear me in heaven. Losing you has taught me to say what’s real and tell people exactly how you feel while you can.I thank everyone for coming out on such short notice to support Cancer Research. Especially my immaBEAST family who is shown here
Josh, Kevin, Stevie, Jade, Jake, Jamie , Deanna, Jake Deanda, Nathan, Kay Kay, Jaira, China, Cam- Cam….. Thank you guys for being there
出典:WilldaBeast Adams