
【ダンス動画】Rino Nakasone ( from Beat Freaks ) – Siren Assassins – Queen Jade at Avalon 03/10/10

世界のイケてるダンス動画を紹介するキュレーションメディア「ダンスファンクラブ」が今回ご紹介したい動画は、Janet Jackson(ジャネット・ジャクソン)・Britney Spear(ブリトニー・スピアーズ)・Gwen Stefani(グウェン・ステファニー)を初め、名立たる海外の人気アーティスト・シンガーのツアーダンサー、バックダンサー、振り付け、MV出演をしている、沖縄出身の世界で活躍する日本人ダンサー仲宗根 梨乃(Rino Nakasone)

そんな世界中で活躍している彼女のご紹介したいダンス動画は440678回再生されている「Rino Nakasone ( from Beat Freaks ) – Siren Assassins – Queen Jade at Avalon 03/10/10」だ!



Rhaposdy James debuted her AMAZING dance show “SIREN ASSASSINS” in LA on March 10th, 2010. It was a SOLD OUT show. Here’s a taste of the show. ENJOY!! Rino killed it and got a standing ovation with her performance as Queen Jade!

From youtube user ArnelCalvario:
“RINO (from our Beat Freaks family) did such an amazing job!!! Her versatility as a performer is always so inspiring! LOVE YA HOMIE!!!

Big props also to other friends in this piece JP San Pedro, Lyle Beniga, Joesar Alva (from Boogie Bots), and Cara Horibe (from our Fanny Pak family). DaSh Appeal for making Rino’s Kimono.

This piece from SIREN ASSASINS got a standing ovation and the most buzz after the show and deservingly so! ”

copyright © 2010 GroupBee
