【ダンス動画】【 THIS IS HOW WE ZOOM 】2020.6.13 / NAMA! HO! SHOW!! Vol.1

世界のイケてるダンス動画を紹介するキュレーションメディア「ダンスファンクラブ」が今回ご紹介したい動画は、2007年10月にOguri, kazuki, NOPPO, shojiの4人のダンサーにより結成されたs**t kingz(シットキングス)

米国のダンスコンテスト「BODY ROCK」で2010年・2011年と二年連続優勝を果たし、国内外を問わず、数多くのアーティストの振付やバックダンサーとして活躍し、10カ国を廻るヨーロッパツアーをはじめ、アメリカ、アジア、オセアニア等、世界各地でワークショップやパフォーマンスで世界で活躍する日本人ダンサーグループ

そんな彼らのご紹介したいダンス動画は3323回再生されている「【 THIS IS HOW WE ZOOM 】2020.6.13 / NAMA! HO! SHOW!! Vol.1」だ!



▼THIS IS HOW WE ZOOM Translation

N It took long!!
O Did you finish the choreography?
N Yeah, it’s done. Did You?
O Mhmm.
K I’m done, too!
S. Me, three! Oh, but it’s a little bit too complicated.
K What? It’s too complicated?
S Well yeah… I mean kinda, but it’s not too complicated.
N No way, I don’t like choreography that’s too complicated
S I just said it wasn’t that much.
O Why do you always make such complex choreography? How do you do your timing?
S Are you guys listening to me? Trust me! It’s not that hard!
K Well show me then.
S Uh, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and the…
3 Whoa! Way too complicated!
S How about you guys then!? Yours isn’t complicated?
N Mine’s not.
K I know NOPPO wouldn’t make such detailed choreography!
S Well lets see then.
N 1 2 3
O He’s right! It’s simple.
N 4 and the 5 and the 6 and the….
3 Damn, it’s so complicated!
K What on earth? Why start at “4 and the”?
N What? Don’t you like it? “4 and the”? I like it, “4 and the”.
S I feel you, man. I like “4 and the”, too.
O “4 and the” makes choreography complicated! Get rid of “4 and the”.
K No “4 and the”!
N You said that, huh? But I bet your choreography is also difficult. Right, Kazuki?
K Huh? My choreography? Of course it’s hard.
S I hate really hard choreography more than when it’s complicated.
O Yeah, I don’t wanna dance any hard choreography.
K Well, how many years have we been dancing together? You guys already know my choreography is always hard. Stop complaining!
N But you complain about “4 and the”!!
K Don’t worry! You always complain but end up dancing in the end!
S Alright, show me a little bit of your dance then.
K What? Right now?
N Yeah right now.
K 1 and the 2.
S Oh my gosh, did he just say “1 and the”?
O That was totally believable! “1 and the”? Are you serious?
K Wait, you guys don’t like my “1 and the”?
N Because you complained about “4 and the”!
O Stop whining! All of us created hard and complicated choreography, so it’s fair for everyone! No complaining!
S Did you just say that, Oguri? Your choreography is the most difficult out of all of us?! Like that shoulder move?!
N Yeah, he’s right. Like shoulder or chest choreography.
K Also back then hip and shoulder?
O Oh my god, you guys are talking about shoulders too much. My choreography isn’t just shoulders!Not all the time!
N Let’s see then.
O 1 2 3 4
3 Only your shoulders are moving though!
K There… We finished choreographing already. We’ve always saying that we should stop yapping and complaining!
O Oh, he started.
N I know right?
N We all worked so hard to create this choreography but we complain about “4 and the” or blah blah blah! What a waste of time!
S Hold on, it was me who got blamed for my choreography and I’m getting dissed. My choreography is comp…..(Frozen).
N Oops, shoji is stopped.
K Yeah he did.
O shoooojiiiiiii
S A…B…C…that’s what I thought!
3 What are you talking about?
S Wait, was I frozen? Why now! It’s such an important moment! It’s my WiFi…(frozen).
K Again. You’re frozen, shoji.
O Well, we can’t do nothing about the connection. Wait, is NOPPO also frozen?
K Oh yeah, NOPPO might have a bad connection, too.
N Who…me? Nah, I’m not frozen.
O, K That was so confusing!
S I do think!!
K Zip it, shoji!
N Change your Wi-fi!
O Throw away your computer!
S I don’t have to throw away my computer, right!?
N I’m so confused…what we were talking about right now! It’s so difficult to rehearse with Zoom! I mean, “4 and the” is fine, right?
O “4 and the”?
N Yes! “4 and the”! 4 and the 5 and the 6 and the 7 and the, I love this rhythm!
S Then stop complaining about my choreography! As more detailed choreography I make as my love I dedicated to it! In other world, my choreography is lovely tender!
K In English?
S Lovely tender.
S Lovely tender.
O  Shut up!!
O Shut up!! I got it! Whatever! I’m down with any choreography! Let’s do this quick! I wanna finish this quick and drink beer! I just wanna pound a beer!
K I mean let’s get together and dance in person! We don’t have stay home anymore!
3 ……what?
N The self-quarantine recommendation has been lifted?
K Yeah, don’t you watch the news? We can do a lot more things if we can dance together in person!
S Alright, then let’s meet up! But Zoom rehearsal was also fun! I realized we work things out better with comfortable distance.
O If we meet up and dance, we can also organize a formation, too! Let’s make a complex formation!
S I love you gu (frozen)
N Yes! I like a complex formation!
S s**tkingz is ru.. (frozen)
K Let’s make a bad ass one! It’s been a while since the last time we danced together.
S That’s what I thought too!
3 Throw that computer away!
S What! Not again! Whatever! Gather up!
K Yes!
O Yes!
N Yes!
S Yes!
2020 Aug. 29th(Sat.) 8pm(JST)

2020/8/29(土) 20:00~


出典:シットキングス s**t kingz