【ダンス動画】YouTube Membership Live Class | 1MILLION

世界のイケてるダンス動画を紹介するキュレーションメディア「ダンスファンクラブ」が今回ご紹介したい動画は、様なK-POPアーティストの振付などを手掛けている韓国で高い人気を誇る1MILLION Dance Studioがアップロードしたダンス動画の中から177701回再生されている「YouTube Membership Live Class | 1MILLION」だ!



1MILLION invites our YouTube exclusive members to learn with us! Click “JOIN” on our YouTube channel to access our live classes, rewatch saved videos, and meet our instructors through live chat. See you in class!

ㆍ1MILLION’s YouTube live classes are only available to members. Both “Millionaire” and “Billionaire” levels can access them.
ㆍMembers at the “Billionaire” level can access class recordings even after the end of the live classes.
ㆍMembership registration available here: https://bit.ly/31atJvH

ㆍ유튜브 라이브 클래스는 1MILLION Dance Studio의 ‘Millionaire, Billionaire’ 멤버십 가입자만 참여 가능합니다.
ㆍ‘Billionaire’ 멤버들은 라이브 클래스 시간을 놓쳐도 녹화된 라이브 클래스를 언제 어느 때나 시청하실 수 있습니다.
ㆍ멤버십 가입: https://bit.ly/31atJvH

出典:1MILLION Dance Studio