世界のイケてるダンス動画を紹介するキュレーションメディア「ダンスファンクラブ」が今回ご紹介したい動画は、YANIS MARSHALLさんがアップロードしたダンス動画は66484回再生されている「YANIS MARSHALL HEELS INTENSIVE PARIS “LOVE HANGOVER” DIANA ROSS」だ!
Bitch when I tell you my last heels intensive was NO JOKE, this is a little taste of my across the floor exercises, NEXT LEVEL SHIT I don’t play!!!! Then across the floors we moved on to another exercise, I repeat it’s an exercise NOT a choreography. Here is the thing, I’m tired of seeing people trying to attempt to do choreography when they don’t even know how to isolate their bodies. Or use their hips, neck…. or do a simple groove. So I made this exercise which is mainly focusing on connecting your neck with your hips, isolation, shifting your weight, grooves and of course balance and control.
Thank you so much ESPAS Danse for hosting me. And thank you so much to Thibaut Odiot for capturing these 3 weeks
Music for the video is “Love Hangover” by Diana Ross.
Yanis xx