【ダンス動画】Quick Style – 선미(SUNMI) – 꼬리(TAIL) by Irma Micaela Gilboe (TasteLab #01)


今回ご紹介したい動画は、双子の Suleman Malik (スールマン・マリク)・Bilal Malik(ビラル・マリク)・Nasir Sirikhan(ナセル・シリカーン)の3人のダンサーで、2006年に結成されたオスロ(ノルウェー)のヒップホップダンスチーム

2009年にノルウェーのオーディション番組(ノルウェーズ・ゴット・タレント)にて優勝し世界中で活躍する彼らの今回ご紹介したい動画は2296回再生されている「Quick Style – 선미(SUNMI) – 꼬리(TAIL) by Irma Micaela Gilboe (TasteLab #01)」だ!



We wanted to challenge the choreographer to pick up one track and make a full performance on the whole song. This concept is not directly to make submissions, but more to challenge the choreographers and see their ability in a few days only. So this round we challenge Irma Micaela Gilboe, one of the most hard working dancers out there. She already did 2 choreography for Faky (Japanese pop group). We will put the link below of her priewies work with Faky. Anyway it’s been an honour to work with Micaela, it’s just stunning to see how she just pulled off this challenge!

Choreography by: Irma Micaela Gilboe
Dancers: Nikki Genove, Tuva Godnes Iversen, Victoria Fredriksen, Djærika Aromin Buccat
Song: 선미(SUNMI) – 꼬리(TAIL)
Produced by: Quick Style
Location: Quick Style Studio
