【ダンス動画】#UELcelebrations Episode 3. l UEFA Europa League l Kia

世界のイケてるダンス動画を紹介するキュレーションメディア「ダンスファンクラブ」が今回ご紹介したい動画は、様なK-POPアーティストの振付などを手掛けている韓国で高い人気を誇る1MILLION Dance Studioがアップロードしたダンス動画の中から176937回再生されている「#UELcelebrations Episode 3. l UEFA Europa League l Kia」だ!



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Take a look at the creative movements inspired by celebrations after turning the game around. Keep an eye on the unpredictable UEFA Europa League matches tonight. Nothing is written.

#UELCelebrations #Kia #MovementThatInspires #Movement#Inspiration #1MILLION #DANCE

Choreographers / Minny park, Youjin kim
Dancers / Minny park, Youjin kim, Alex, Churhyun cho, DOYUN, GUMP, Isabelle, Juhwi um, Miyu, Poka, Harimu

Find out more about 1MILLION Dance Studio

Website: www.1milliondance.com
Instagram: @1milliondance

Find out more about Kia:
Kia Worldwide : https://www.youtube.com/user/KiaBUZZ
Kia Korea : https://www.youtube.com/user/withFUNKIA

* Currently, 1MILLION thoroughly complies with government regulation and practices proper disinfection of the studio.

出典:1MILLION Dance Studio