
【ダンス動画】The passing of midnight | Dark Electronic music with Rhodes, SK30, ER1, Strymon, Microcosm


今回ご紹介したい動画は、父が日本にブレイクダンスに一大ブームの先駆けを作ったTonyGOGOの血を継ぐ福岡出身の兄弟ダンサーGO GO BROTHERS!

ロッキングとポップダンスを強みにK B-Boy ChampionshipsのLOCKING部門で優勝し、ロックダンス界の頂点に立ち世界で活躍する日本人ダンサー兄弟だ!

そんな実力派の世界で活躍している彼らのダンス動画は460回再生されている「The passing of midnight | Dark Electronic music with Rhodes, SK30, ER1, Strymon, Microcosm」だ!



Nine days ago my daughter was exposed to COVID. We tested her two days later, then three days after that. Both negative. Then she went to her grandma’s for the rest of the weekend. Yesterday afternoon, I was walking through a tunnel of my University after an inspection and I got a call from my wife. All I heard was, “This is important…” before I lost the connection, but somehow, I knew. She finally got a hold of me, “She has a fever.” My heart sunk. We worked so hard to avoid COVID, but it was coming. We needed to be there for her. It was Day 8 post-exposure, but fever is the usually the first symptom.

On the drive home, she threw up. Because we have an infant as well, we decided that, should she test positive for COVID, she’d stay with Grandma (who very recently had COVID, but not that recently that she gave it to our daughter) until this blew over. I gave her the test. Negative. It didn’t make sense. What was the sensitivity of this assay? Did I do it wrong? What else could she possibly have? She’d been home with us for over 8 days. Nothing else incubates for that long. And what coincidence that she’d get a fever (the first in over 2 years), 8 days after exposure to COVID, and have it not be COVID.

So we brought her home, I carried her in, gave her a bath while my wife and I separated her from the infant – we wanted a plan. So we decided they’d stay separated, and we’d wear masks (for whatever good it would do) until we tested her again in the morning.

Thankfully, after she’d vomited, she was better. 100%. No fever, nothing. Then, last night, another fever. Spiked at 102.7F. Then nausea. Eventually we got her to bed to sleep, but she was up multiple times, drenched in sweat, crying, unable to tell us why she was crying.

Morning came – I gave her another test. Negative. The odds that it’s COVID must be fairly low (and assuming she is symptomatic and COVID, we have a 98.3% chance of detection). It must not be COVID.

She was fine the rest of the day – probably better than the rest of us. But then we went for a walk. During the walk she complained of being dizzy, something I’ve never heard her say. I thought at first, “She doesn’t even know what that means, does she?” But then she said it again. I picked her up and carried her, but told her we couldn’t play at a specific place if she was dizzy, but then she said she was dizzy so I would carry her. I set her down, she played for a bit. Then complained of being dizzy again. We got home, and another fever. Got her to bed. I guess we’ll see what happens tomorrow.

If it’s not COVID, what is it?

Flu doesn’t typically present with vomiting. Norovirus usually comes from either eating out or being around someone who threw up who had it, but she hadn’t been near anyone long enough. Must be something else – but I just don’t know how it could be anything food related, we all ate the same food, and nothing else incubates as long as COVID does. We’ll probably never know.

Gear used:
Rhodes Mark I Stage 73 piano through Strymon El Cap
Yamaha SK30 through the Strymon Volante then through Hologram Microcosm.
Korg ER-1.

All gear sent through eventide Blackhole VST

#strymon #rhodes #yamaha
