
【ダンス動画】HERO — From Archetypes | Performed by Clarice & Sergio Assad


今回ご紹介したい動画は、父が日本にブレイクダンスに一大ブームの先駆けを作ったTonyGOGOの血を継ぐ福岡出身の兄弟ダンサーGO GO BROTHERS!

ロッキングとポップダンスを強みにK B-Boy ChampionshipsのLOCKING部門で優勝し、ロックダンス界の頂点に立ち世界で活躍する日本人ダンサー兄弟だ!

そんな実力派の世界で活躍している彼らのダンス動画は47035回再生されている「HERO — From Archetypes | Performed by Clarice & Sergio Assad」だ!



Recorded live on Wednesday, August 25th, 2021 at the Chautauqua
Institution. This program was made possible by the Shirley A. and Arthur R. Duffy Endowment for Classical Guitar. To watch the full concert, please visit the CHQ Assembly channel:

A rare father-daughter collaboration featuring Clarice Assad, Grammy-nominated vocalist, composer, and pianist, and her father, guitarist Sérgio Assad, of the legendary Assad Brothers. Described by the San Francisco Chronicle as “a serious triple threat,” Brazilian-American Clarice Assad is a vibrant, highly prolific, and often-commissioned composer. Carefully crafted colorful textures permeate her soulful and musical world, which embraces a wide variety of styles, including her own original concepts. Brazilian-born Sérgio Assad has created a new standard of guitar innovation, ingenuity, and expression with his brother, Odair Assad. Their exceptional artistry and uncanny ensemble playing come from a family rich in Brazilian musical tradition, inspiring a wide range of composers to write for them including Astor Piazzolla. The Assad brothers have made a number of recordings, two of which received Latin Grammy awards. Sérgio Assad was also nominated for two Latin Classical Grammy awards as a composer for his works Interchange and Maraeaipe.

“Clarice constantly captivates, whether singing in Portuguese, delivering wordless vocals, or taking to the piano bench, and Sérgio, likewise, manages to seduce with his every gesture on guitar.” —

出典:Clarice Assad