FOXテレビで2005年から放送されている世界で人気がある全米No,1を目指しあらゆるジャンルのダンサーたちが挑戦するダンスオーディション番組「アメリカン・ダンスアイドル(So You Think You Can Dance)」
その公式Youtubeチャンネルから今回ご紹介するダンス動画は813回再生されている「If there was any one week to push boundaries, this week is it. Carter, Beau & Ralyn did exactly that」だ!
If there was any one week to push boundaries, this week is it. Carter, Beau, and Ralyn did exactly that with this gorgeous number. #SYTYCD
If there was any one week to push boundaries, this week is it. Carter, Beau, and Ralyn did exactly that with this gorgeous number. #SYTYCD
Choreography by: Chase Haley Bowden
Tune in now on @foxtv.
出典:So You Think You Can Dance