世界のイケてるダンス動画を紹介するキュレーションメディア「ダンスファンクラブ」が今回ご紹介したい動画は、YANIS MARSHALLさんがアップロードしたダンス動画は150980回再生されている「YANIS MARSHALL HEELS CHOREOGRAPHY “BETTE DAVIS EYES” KIM CARNES. MILLENNIUM DANCE COMPLEX L.A.」だ!
More then half of the room didn’t know this song.. As a teachers it’s our job to educate our students with great music… please do your job. I’m tired of seeing everyone dancing to the same bullshit songs just because they are racing for fame by trying to get more views… Where is the art?
Also, yes I always do the same moves its called “a style” that I master in. I will switch it up the day Britney Spears starts singing opera music and Barbra Steisand starts raping. Then I’ll consider changing my moves… BITCH. But let me remind you that if you get bored watching my work well ……. You simply don’t have to watch it and mostly I didn’ ask for your opinion. At least I’m working while you are behind your computer giving unwanted opinions !!!!!!!
But a huge thank you for those who actually understands dance and appreciate my art. I truly appreciate you and love you.
I know this song choice won’t make this video get any views but I DONT GIVE A F***, I’ll do some other bull shit song another time to catch up on my views ahahahahaha !!!!
Love from Nyc
Yanis xx