【ダンス動画】01# Ph+ series / Quick Style – Rewind by 070 Shake


今回ご紹介したい動画は、双子の Suleman Malik (スールマン・マリク)・Bilal Malik(ビラル・マリク)・Nasir Sirikhan(ナセル・シリカーン)の3人のダンサーで、2006年に結成されたオスロ(ノルウェー)のヒップホップダンスチーム

2009年にノルウェーのオーディション番組(ノルウェーズ・ゴット・タレント)にて優勝し世界中で活躍する彼らの今回ご紹介したい動画は82204回再生されている「01# Ph+ series / Quick Style – Rewind by 070 Shake」だ!



Ph+ is a series of expression of dance and movement from all over the world.

We wish to educate the normal person to see that a creation in dance wether its improvisation or choreography is still art and a very powerful expression.

We wanna highlight the people who see movement of dance much deeper than just a career or hobby, but like their voice and identity.
It awakens a feeling in people and gives them another universe to enjoy.

Dance is an universal language proven by Ph+.

– Quick Crew

Location: Oslo, Norway
Filmed by: 0 FOKUS
Song: Rewind
Artist: 070 Shake
CG by: Quick Crew
Suleman Malik, Nasir Sirikhan & Bilal Malik

Website: http://www.thequickstyle.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thequickstyle
Instagram: http://instagram.com/thequickstyle
Twitter: http://twitter.com/thequickstyle

Booking info: booking@thequickstyle.com
